Monday, January 17, 2011

Pisces - Personal and Social Life in 2011

Pisces - Personal and Social Life in 2011:

Your intuition and artistic abilities should blossom like wildflowers in spring. It's important that you keep a written record of you're your insights and inspirations. You may eventually want to put them into an actionable form.

As long as you use your talents and continue to enrich your spiritual life, you should be content throughout 2011. You'll enjoy robust health. You view the world in a unique way, and you thrive on learning. Your everyday life should be a stimulating one. 2011 could be one of your happiest years - though the world situation could sadden you. 

Are most of your friends visionaries? Some family members and/or colleagues may not understand you - or your friends. Yet they probably think you border on sainthood. Confusing? You're a force to be reckoned with - if only others knew how.

Your kindness is special and apparent, so some can overlook your ideas. January and March should be your best months - though there won't be any real bad ones. You're always the one who's glad to help, so let others help you, too. 

Aquarius - Personal and Social Life in 2011

Aquarius - Personal and Social Life in 2011:

You've made elaborate plans for 2011, and are determined to complete them all. There could, however, be last-minute changes that need to be made. Don't be too inflexible. Go with the flow.

You're an upbeat person, and no matter what happens, you do your best to make the most of it - especially when it comes to acquiring knowledge. You'll learn more in the first few months than you did in all of 2010. Don't push yourself too hard, however. There's no hurry. Don't forget to take time out to relax and enjoy life. 

You enjoy getting out and meeting new people, and there are very few whom you consider your soul mates. It's easier for you to make casual friends, and you are kind to even your difficult relatives.

This year, you just might find more close companions than you ever did before. Learn from them. Get to know them well. Enjoy!

Capricorn - Personal and Social Life in 2011

Capricorn - Personal and Social Life in 2011:

You may start 2011 feeling tired and discouraged, but your mood will pick up very quickly. Keep yourself busy doing what you love. It'll lift your spirits and stimulate your creativity.

You have a strong constitution, and you rarely get sick. However, you do work hard and end too many of your days going home exhausted. Besides the obvious - eating right and getting sufficient exercise - you need to pace yourself when you're busy. The world won't end if a task takes a little longer to finish. Take care of yourself. 

Family is important to you, but you tend to spend more time with co-workers than you do with your loved ones. Find more efficient ways to get work done, and don't take up the slack with more work. 

Jobs come and jobs go, but family and friends are forever. Make a resolution to spend more time with these very special people in 2011.

Sagittarius - Personal and Social Life in 2011

Sagittarius - Personal and Social Life in 2011:

You're an optimistic soul, Sag, and this should be a great year for you. Your intuition is very active, so "it" just might happen. Just be sure to look before you leap.

Most of the time, you're pretty healthy. You exercise, take vitamins, and spend lots of time in the Sun. However, there are times when you push yourself too hard, and end up collapsed and exhausted. Try to pace yourself. Good health is important, but you should balance it with friendship, contemplation, and acquiring knowledge. There's more to life than breaking records. 

You have many friends and beloved relatives, and it's difficult for you to give equal time to everyone. Sometimes you neglect one or two people - and they could be offended. It's hard to remember everyone, but if you can't see someone, try to at least give him or her a phone call. It's better than nothing, and this person will be be glad to hear from you.

Scorpio - Personal and Social Life in 2011

Scorpio - Personal and Social Life in 2011:

Your health, social life, and career should all blossom in 2011, Scorpio. Opportunities will come, and you'll jump on them. Make sure, however, that this is what you truly want.

You're going to feel stronger and more confident, and this will spill over into other departments of life. Your optimism and self-assuredness should spill over into your relationships with others, too. 

Your health will thrive if you tend to it. The only problem you might face is insomnia. Try to relax fully before you go to sleep. If your mind keeps buzzing, so will you.

You enjoy your own company, but this year you just might turn into a social butterfly. Friends and family members will want to make use of your money sense and keen insights in to benefit their lives. You'll act like a party animal, and therefore new acquaintances will want to see you again. Watch the overindulging, however. You won't want to gain any weight.

Libra - Personal and Social Life in 2011

Libra - Personal and Social Life in 2011:

Some perplexing decisions await you - and the more you ponder them, the more confused you'll become. Watch a movie. Sleep on it all. They are too important to act on impulsively or with too much emotion.

Usually, you're pretty healthy, but this year you might feel slower and more listless than usual. No, it's not because you're getting older. Sluggish Saturn is passing through your sign. Counter its effects by exercising, getting out with your friends, and exploring new horizons. Set new goals and explore new interests. You're not the type to give in easily. 

You're as congenial as ever, but you may be preoccupied. Whatever is troubling you, don't keep it to yourself. Your family and friends may worry about you needlessly. Whether you're wondering about your job, a relationship, or your finances, share your concerns with someone. It will relieve misgivings, and he or she might actually help find solutions. Hey, it might even be fun!

Virgo - Personal and Social Life in 2011

Virgo - Personal and Social Life in 2011:

Expect a year of surprises - especially where people are concerned. Friends you've known for years will suddenly start doing weird things. You'll also change quite a bit. Be prepared.

A year of glowing health awaits you. You've grown stronger, and you'll rarely be sick. But what are you going to do with all that energy? Your longtime customs and habits may now seem boring. Try some new activities. Return to school, take up a hobby, or take a vacation. Your friends will be thrilled about the sparkle in your eyes. 

Socially, you're going to get out more this year. A friend could talk you into meeting some new people, and you'll definitely be grateful. The people you meet should be interesting, intelligent, and curious - and you might embrace some new ideas. You could talk with your companions for hours - and come away with your head spinning. Welcome to 2011!